Tuesday, June 5, 2012

LIB 200: Critical Thinking Blog 6: “Research and beyond..”

LIB 200: Critical Thinking Blog 6: “Research and beyond..”

          Now that I have decided upon a research topic, I’ve finally come up with a few sources. My research topic deals with portrayal of robots in films. For my paper, I will be using the film “Blade Runner” to show how strong artificial intelligence is and how films have been showing “warning” about our technological advances which may not always be of benefit to the human race.
            The good thing is that I found a few great sources already from the links that were provided to us during class. Two of my stronger sources were both found on Lexisnexis and provided more information than I had intended to find. My first article is by Kate Forrester, called "Will Computers Become More Intelligent than Humans? The Debate." In her article, she discusses how machines are advancing at a very quick rate to the point that they are learning and progressing quicker than we “planned for.” Because I am using Ray Kurzweil’s essay about strong artificial intelligence, I figured it would make sense to use Forrester as well, since her article discusses Kurzweil’s predictions about the robotic takeover. I was also able to understand Kurzweil’s opinion a lot better after reading Kate’s article.
            My second source from Lexis Nexis comes is written by Mike Causey. Properly named “The Robots are Coming,” his article gives great evidence supporting my thesis statement within the article. I was also able to read about things I did not know was currently taking place. For example, machines are being used in the mailrooms? This partially explains why I have not been able to land a postal job yet! Using real life situations within my research paper can give background insight and show how, in this case, life is actually imitating art. I hope I do a great job!

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