Thursday, April 5, 2012

LIB 200 Critical Thinking 3: "Research, Film, Tablet?"

I must admit that it was quite easy narrowing down my research paper ideas to two particular choices. I was not interested in most, vaguely interested in few, but two topics IMMEDIATELY caught my attention. Research # 1 and #6 are the two choices that I am deciding between. The hardest part about this milestone is making sure I pick a topic that I will have the most fun with. After all, since we are given a choice on papers, we might as well enjoy the project.
            Research topic #1 deals with writing a paper about a novel, story, or film that uses science and technology. While I am highly interested in getting started on Einstein’s Dreams or Cloning, I am unsure if I will have enough to actually write 9-12 pages about. Even if I do get up to 9 pages, I want to make my paper interesting instead of a drag just to get through the assignment. Research #6, however, deals with films featuring robots and clones, and how they are portrayed. Once reading that some of our choices included The Terminator, AI, and I, Robot, I immediately picked this as one of my two choices. However, I need to be careful that when viewing the film, I don’t get caught up in reviewing the film and stick to the requirements of the essay. While I am sure that each topic will be equally fun and interesting, I need to make sure that I can write a paper that is going to land me an A! Choices choices….
                                    After a two hour break of downloading music…..
            It took no longer than thirty minutes for me to spontaneously pick a choice. It’s quite surprising to find that listening to Jill Scott can bring about research paper ideas. I’ve decided to go with research topic #6! However, since I have seen all of the movies I’ve previously named, I am going to “explore” and choose between 2001: A Space Odyssey and Blade Runner. I have only seen clips of both movies, so it will be a new experience to view either film. It’s also a plus to compare our “hi definition” to their “pre-21st century” technology. In my opinion, the best movies were made before my time anyway. I’m quite excited about this project for two reasons: I get to watch classic films for the first time, and it gives me an excuse to experience my Nook Tablet. After all, that is a part of science and technology, right?

1 comment:

  1. Great -- You can view either film and make a choice -- Probably Blade Runner will be easier and make more sense. (Actually 2001 is about a lot of technologie besides smart robots). We can work on getting you a copy of either film soon. Hope this helps! --Prof. Dragan
